
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Half- Baked

After years of hating change and struggling to adjust to all the disappointments it left in its wake, I have changed my mind. I have mellowed as a result of all the beautiful surprises that change had for me. Now, I love change. I expect change. Human beings are dynamic. Situations are not static. Nothing is everlasting. 

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My strong dislike for change has now been replaced by one for half baked jobs. The funny thing about all this is that I am guilty of the same in some areas of my life. The strong dislike is definitely a step in the right direction. There is a huge difference between trying your best & failing and doing things half heartedly. It can only be likened to courting disappointment. Mediocrity is a close relative of half bakedness (If there ever was such a word). Sometimes when laziness abounds, they all come out to bask in the sun of disillusionment. 

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I am convinced that there is nothing worse than doing something half heartedly. You either do it or you don’t. Anything in the middle is a recipe for failure. Half hearted efforts are the reason behind some of our greatest challenges today. It is the reason why we have politicians who half wanted to serve us and half wanted to enrich themselves. Christians who half wanted to live for God and half wanted to live for themselves. Economies that are improving on one end and going to the dogs on the other end, as corruption flourishes. I am not a saint. I too, struggle with these things. 

The realization that you are half baked is a turning point. I have realized that I do not want half baked stuff in my life. Almost getting there. Always almost succeeding but never quite enjoying the fruits of success. 
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The story of my life cannot be that I almost got that promotion, almost did that masters, almost had a great relationship, almost helped my friend or almost had a great relationship with God. It has been said before that it is the thought that counts. However, even in those circumstances, the appreciation only comes after action. It would be more acceptable if I got a gift that was less than I had expected than to have received none at all. I do not quite see myself smiling after my friend announces that they almost got me a pair of heels! Then what? 
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What are the chances that a runner would win a gold medal if they almost practised? Or that you could enjoy a cake that was half baked. It would probably taste good on top but as soon as you tried to go deeper, you would realize that it may have been better to wait for it to be fully baked. The same case applies with half baked successes. They seem good initially but they are most bitter where they should have been sweetest. 

Life is too short to waste but long enough to see the consequences of your actions. Indecision and little thought out plans are the greatest drivers of mediocrity and failure. 
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Today, I challenge you to bake right. Get a good recipe (plan), all the right ingredients (strategy, tools and resources), set the right temperature (know your environment and the stakes) and get the timing right! Success is a result of well baked plans. Always remember to commit your plans to God and they will succeed. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Sometimes we pray to God,
And we get what we prayed for,
Sometimes that makes us happy,
Sometimes, it makes us sad.

Sometimes we pray to God,
And we do not get what we prayed for,
Sometimes that makes us sad,
Sometimes, it makes us happy.

Sometimes we pray to God,
And we get the things we hoped for,
Sometimes that makes us happy,
Sometimes it makes our hearts even harder.

Sometimes we do not pray to God,
And we get what we did not pray for,
Sometimes that makes us happy,
Sometimes that makes us sad (Mike Abuli)

Sometimes we do not pray to God,
And we do not get what we hoped for,
And we never really know,
How things would have turned out,
When all we had to do was ask!

Wanjiku Murugami

Monday, August 13, 2012

Looking for Love

Looking for Love

It has been said before that I am in love with being in love. Maybe it’s the high I get from all the endorphins associated with the whole process. I am currently taking a break from relationships. My own version of relationships anonymous! I have been single 43 days:-) Maybe there is a shortfall of hot men. Better still, I am finally getting the hang of being single. Yay! I am learning a lot about myself and loving every moment. As my wise friend Judy says, knowing yourself eliminates the guesswork in life. As far as I can see it one of the most liberating things I have ever done. In my reflection about love and God's will, I came across this song by trip lee, a Christian hip hop artist. I like his two cents of love. More like a million shillings for me!

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All you’ve been searchin’ and lookin’ in all the wrong places
Search no more. love is here.

Hey i had to write this song ‘cause the masses are mistaken
They’ve confused the word love with infatuation
Its sad ‘cause when we lackin love the wrong path is taken
They missing out ‘cause getting true love is past amazing
It’s more than a passing statement, a short lasting craving
It ain’t refusing not to wait, it ain’t mad impatience
Some been tryna find love in that guy or gal they dating
And before long they hormones are fastly raging
Yeah true love is a must, but that ain’t love, it’s lustin’
Love would never ask you to ungodly stuff
Its honest plus, it ain’t wrong and hard to trust
Its everlasting and can’t happen when the heart’s corrupt
Resting on false love you must realized you’ll plummet
‘cause real love is much more than butterflies in ya stomach
Most of us are out of line ‘cause really the bottom line
Is we looking for love but ain’t sure what we tryna find

You tried the pleasures of this world but still there’s something missing
‘cause when you close your eyes at night you can feel your heart still searching
I know you tired of being let down so you look for love in all the wrong places
So search no more ‘cause it’s the life of Christ your soul’s been missing

We must learn that love is perfect, it never will fail
I’m ready to tell, its needed and forever prevails
It’s so glorious, i’m sure we need some more its true
The world’s confused and seems to have a distorted view
Most think love’s a sweet kiss, a nice statement in time
But don’t know that love is sacred, its patient and kind
It’s not filled with sinful jealousy, doesn’t brag and boast
It’s priceless and can’t be bought with a stack of dough
It’s so true. it’s not rude. it doesn’t seek its own
It’s selfless, i’m telling this because we need to know
It’s not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs
It forgives, it’s a blessing and forever is strong
It don’t delight in evil but it likes the truth
It’s liberating never fading and it’s righteous too
I’d like for you to put love first in here
It always protects, always trusts, hopes, and perseveres

I can’t stress enough the fact that love will never end
It’s eternal better than this other stuff so let it in
Such an unusual experience beyond expression
We need it, we gotta seek it, yeah love is a blessin’
Utter perfection, but something most guys will lack
So the remaining real question’s, “where you find it at?”
I know you wondering if you don’t wanna die and miss love
Seek Christ, ‘cause the bible says that god is love
For God so loved the world, He would redeem you and me
Yeah it was love that made Him bleed and cling to a tree
That’s the truth, so without the son you losing
He shows love and for that there’s no substitution
We try to fill the void with things of all sorts
But let us stop settling for things that fall short
He can be the lover of our souls turn now to Christ
Lookin’ for love? well true love is found in Christ

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This kind of love, I could get used to. Being in love with love is not such a bad thing after all!